La familia Agriolimacidae Wagner, 1935 en la Provincia de Lugo (Noroeste de la Peninsula Iberica).(Gastropoda, Pulmonata)

  1. Rita Pesqueira
  2. Teresa Rodríguez
  3. Adolfo Outeiro
Bollettino Malacologico

ISSN: 0394-7149

Year of publication: 2003

Issue: 39

Pages: 43-48

Type: Article

More publications in: Bollettino Malacologico


The Family Agriolimacidae is represented by two genera in Galicia, Deroceras and Furcopenis. Deroceras is represented by 8 species and the genus Furcopenis is restricted to the NW of the Iberian Peninsula and it is represented by 3 species. With the present work we want contribute to extend the area of distribution of the Family Agriolimacidae in Galicia. During the period 1997-1999 we have sampled the province of Lugo that was divided in 130 squares, coordinates U.T:M. 10x10 Km.