Reflexiones sobre el proceso de control del territorio galaico y la creación de las divisiones administrativas augusteas

  1. Manuel Villanueva Acuña
Hispania antiqua

ISSN: 1130-0515

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 40

Seiten: 119-134

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Hispania antiqua


In this paper, in a synthetic way, we analyze aspects about the integration process of the territory of Galicia in the roman control. Whereas the Northem War in our opinion was very marginally affected the territories and former Galician Galicians in general, from 137 to. C. were entering in the influence of Rome. But the wars of Augustus are the moment of major administrative decisions, first with the creation of the province Transduriana (25-15 or 13 BC.), after the province of Lusitania (years 15-13 C.), in which included the galician territory until finally, with all the northwest becomes part of Tarraconense (7-2 years BC.)

Bibliographische Referenzen

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