Perfil profesional das mulleres no sector financeiro de Galicia

  1. Mª Dolores Castro Pais 1
  2. Mª Josefa Mosteiro García 1
  3. Ana Mª Porto Castro 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, España
Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación

ISSN: 2386-7418

Ano de publicación: 2015

Título do exemplar: XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 3: DESARROLLO VOCACIONAL Y CARRERA

Número: 3

Páxinas: 40-43

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.17979/REIPE.2015.0.03.386 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The main aim of the study is to know the real situation that occupy the women in the financial sector through the analysis of personal variables (age, level of studies,...) and professional (ones, category, proffesional level, seniority, people under thei rdirection,...). The sample is formed by a total of 979 employees of 226 banking offices in Galicia. The results obtained show that men and women share the same workspace there are not fairness, since most offices are managed by men more over women need more training and time to reach a position of responsibility.

Referencias bibliográficas

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