Concepto de profundidad acumulativa aplicado al cálculo de la figura de radiación en redes de computadores
- Plata González, Oscar
- Fernández Rivera, Francisco
- López Zapata, Emilio
ISSN: 0210-8712
Ano de publicación: 1988
Ano: 21
Número: 2
Páxinas: 24-32
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista de informática y automática
The concept of accumulative depth is introduced in the context of dialogue among several computer units. This concept is used to define the weighting marnix of the nodes of the network and, at the same time, to compute near-optimal transmission delay broadcasting figures in arbitrary point-to-point computer networks. Our concept is evaluated using as criteria algorithmic complexity and transmission delay of the broadcast computed. It is shown in this paper that the above concept improves previous developments rooted on alternative concepts such as degree and eccentricity.