El Sistema de Evaluación Global en casos de violencia de génerohuella psíquica y testimonio

  1. Arce Fernández, Ramón
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 99

Páxinas: 19-35

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Informació psicològica


About 30% of the Spanish judicial sentences on gender violence are not-guilty. This rests primordially on the lack of evidence due to these crimes are committed in a private setting and to the damage must be demonstrated. To copy this contingency, the Global Evaluation System (GES) was fitted to gender violence cases. Thus, a methodic categorical system to discriminate between real and fabricated statements for supporting real ones was created and validated. Furthermore, a forensic protocol to assess the psychological harm sequelae of the victimization of gender violence was created and validated. Finally, the GES for gender violence cases was submitted to judicial validation, being admitted as proof. This paper presents the GES for gender violence cases.

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