El trabajo en las aulas con perspectiva europeamedios y recursos para el aprendizaje autónomo
- Raposo Rivas, Manuela
- Sarceda Gorgoso, María del Carmen
ISSN: 2386-3927, 2386-3927
Ano de publicación: 2010
Número: 28
Páxinas: 45-60
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Enseñanza & Teaching: Revista interuniversitaria de didáctica
Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable
One of the key principles set forth in the bologna process is to focus teaching on students, by getting involved actively and independently in their learning process and in developing their skills. This requires the use of teaching and learning methods together with materials and resources to motivate and guide them. In this paper, we present three of them, from our experience in adapting the subject of «New Technologies Applied to education» to the e cTs system, which we have found useful for guiding and evaluating the learning process and promote the intended learning. These materials and resources are: «learning guides», the portfolio and the rubric