Vino nuevo en odres viejosun estudio de caso sobre el papel de la dimensión organizativa en los proyectos de innovación con TIC

  1. Álvarez Núñez, Quintín
  2. Fernández Tilve, María Dolores
Revista de investigación educativa, RIE

ISSN: 0212-4068 1989-9106

Ano de publicación: 2009

Volume: 27

Número: 2

Páxinas: 321-335

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de investigación educativa, RIE


In this paper we present a case study related to a more comprehensive research currently in progress. By using a collaborative research-action methodology between teachers and researchers, we attempt to analyse and support innovation projects based on ICT, which are carried out in four Primary and Secondary Schools of Galicia. In this article, we present some data derived from the first phase of this study by analysing the role of certain variables of the organizational dimension (school climate and school culture, organizational model, relations with the Administration…) and their ability to facilitate or to hinder the processes of innovation with ICT that are conducted in one of the chosen schools.