Arqueoastronomía, antropología y paisaje
- García Quintela, Marco Virgilio
- González García, A. César
ISSN: 1131-6993
Ano de publicación: 2009
Volume: 20
Número: 2
Páxinas: 39-54
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Complutum
An essay is made to emphasize the deep relationships connecting archaeoastronomy and landscape archaeology. To assert these connections it is essential to go beyond mere verbal statements, demonstrating the foundations and possibilities of both approaches, bearing in mind that they are clearly distinct in their historical trajectories. In this context, it is suggested that historical anthropology can be useful as a disciplinary guide in order to compensate the growing influence of complex technicalities, such as the use of astronomic models in archaeoastronomy that risk to get only auto-referential knowledge without much connections with past... (Leer más) cultural forms. Our final aim is to characterize these disciplinary approaches as a means to an increasingly better understanding of life aspects in ancient societies that otherwise would remain unknown.
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