''Sería nunca acavar contar los muchos odios envegecidos atajados''los misioneros jesuitas y la pacificación social en Galicia (1555-1675)

  1. Fernández Cortizo, Camilo
Semata: Ciencias sociais e humanidades

ISSN: 1137-9669 2255-5978

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Titel der Ausgabe: Alimentación, sociabilidade e vida cotiá na historia

Nummer: 21

Seiten: 167-186

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Semata: Ciencias sociais e humanidades

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


The first Jesuit college in Galicia was established in Monterrey in 1555; others soon followed in Santiago, Monforte, Ourense, Pontevedra and A Coruña. By the end of the 1560s, the home mis- sions pursued by the Jesuits of these colleges combined the ministries of preaching, confession and penitence with the teaching of Christian doctrine and, more sporadically, with the peacemaking and the restitution of goods and money. These latter tasks of social reconciliation and concord had precedents in the pacifications practised by itinerant friars in the early Middle Ages, and in the extrajudicial procedure of “infrajudicial” agreement. They are mentioned continually in the annual and four-monthly reports sent by the Galician Jesuits to Rome, though their frequency, and the theatrical ostentation of their ritual, increased markedly in the second half of the 17th century, due initially to Fr. Jerónimo López. Fr. Jerónimo’s lead was followed by Fr. Thyrso González: among the main results of many of the home missions carried out in Galicia between 1672 and 1676 were the settlement of quarrels and the restitution of grievances