Niederdeutsch und Galicisch im soziolinguistischen Vergleich. Das Verhältnis zu den Kontaktsprachen aus diachroner und synchroner Sicht

  1. Carmen Mellado Blanco

ISSN: 0027-514X

Ano de publicación: 2006

Volume: 116

Número: 4

Páxinas: 2

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Muttersprache


European policy for the integration and protection of minor languages carried out for the last ten years and settled in different treaties and documents, such as the »European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages«, has given rise to new comparative perspectives on the study of the European ausbau languages. From an innovative point of view, we deal in this paper with the sociolinguistic situation of Low German and Galician and set out the characteristics both have in common regarding their historical development and their current situation. The aim of this investigation is to show the parallelisms on the evolution and decline of minor languages as well as their possible encouragement by means of institutional measures on linguistic policy. Such parallelisms are analyzed from both a sociolinguistic and a purely linguistic perspective, which is reflected on a similar typology of interference cases with their corresponding "roof languages" as contact languages.