La propuesta de la renta básica de ciudadaníauna nota crítica

  1. Bastos Boubeta, Miguel Anxo
RIPS: Revista de investigaciones políticas y sociológicas

ISSN: 1577-239X

Datum der Publikation: 2005

Ausgabe: 4

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 103-113

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: RIPS: Revista de investigaciones políticas y sociológicas


The proposal of a basic income is an innovative and theoretically developed measure which has achieved great relevance during the last years. However, the purpose of this work is to show evidence of its theoretical inconsistencies and the disfunctionalities that its hypothetical implementation would cause in the social and economic structure. Moreover, its practice could neither be justificated on ethical grounds.