Mapas 'usted está aquí'importancia de la alineación con el ambiente y puntos de correspondencia mapa-medio
- Seoane Pesqueira, Gloria
- Valiña García, María Dolores
- Ferraces Otero, María José
- Fernández Rey, José
ISSN: 0210-9395, 1579-3699
Año de publicación: 1992
Número: 48
Páginas: 21-40
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Estudios de Psicología = Studies in Psychology
This study is concerned with the influence of map/terrain alignment and the number of map/terrain correspondece points on the interpretation of �You-are-here� maps. It was carried out in the Campus of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, using a 2 x 2 factorial design. The subjects had to search for a target on the map and move towards it. Four differents map versions were used and, as dependent variables, the following were also used: the map inspection time, the time taken by the subjects to locate the target, the success or failure in the task, several measures of the route, the perceived map legibility, the security and subjective difficulty level of the task. The results showed that the persons spend less time on interpreting and searching for a target on the map when it is aligned within the terrain, and they perceive it more legible than a non aligned one, and select a more adequate route towards the target.