Audiovisual Regulatory Authorities in the European Union

  1. Tania Fernández-Lombao
  2. Paulo Faustino
Communication: Innovation & Quality
  1. Miguel Túñez López (coord.)
  2. Valentín-Alejandro Martínez Fernández (coord.)
  3. Xosé López García (coord.)
  4. Xosé Rúas Araujo (coord.)
  5. Francisco Campos Freire (coord.)

Editorial: Springer Suiza

ISBN: 978-3-319-91859-4 978-3-319-91860-0

Ano de publicación: 2019

Páxinas: 81-101

Tipo: Capítulo de libro

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


All EU member states have independent regulatory authorities for the audiovisual sectors which are, in general, responsible for the concession of licenses, the supervision of public and private media, and the enforcement of punishments for non-compliance with the rules. Despite sharing a good number of capabilities, differences exist in the ways these bodies proceed, the number of members that make them up, and their processes of appointment. Upon these foundations, lies the key that distinguishes the degree of independence and the democratic well-being of their mission.