La mensajería instantánea como nuevo canal de distribución de contenidos informativosEstudio de caso del servicio de WhatsApp GContigo (Televisión de Galicia)

  1. Lara Lozano Aguiar
  2. María Cruz Negreira Rey
VIII Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo: El impacto de las audiencias en los perfiles profesionales y los contenidos
  1. Ainara Larrondo Ureta (coord.)
  2. Koldobika Meso Ayerdi (coord.)
  3. Simón Peña Fernández (coord.)

Verlag: Servicio Editorial = Argitalpen Zerbitzua ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-468-9

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Seiten: 245-258

Kongress: Congreso Internacional de Ciberperiodismo (8. 2016. Bilbao)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


New technologies have led to a change in the production and distribution of information in recent years. In addition to social networks, instant messaging services are being incorporated gradually in the media, especially in the areas of proximity for content distribution. Among these initiatives we highlight GContigo, a pioneering WhatsApp service of Television de Galicia. It is the first service of its kind on regional public televisions on Spain. Since March, GContigo offers a new channel through which users can receive information. This tool is added to the apps available from the public agency and diversifies direct communication channels with citizens through mobile devices. But, are they adequately taking advantage of the possibilities offered by this instant messaging tool? With this research we want to determine the basic axes on which GContigo service management is based. To do this, we start from a descriptive analysis of its origin and operation. Below it is supplemented by an analysis of content of messages distributed by the regional television through this platform. For that, messages are selected with a multi-staged sample. Then we apply an analysis card, which results will determine objects of study like: sending frequency, subject of the message, presence of hypertext and multimedia elements, use of the sending possibilities, etc. Based on this methodology, the results will show the characteristics of the message that the public television wants to offer to its users. This study will also determine the image acquired by the entity as a public service, and if it really is a space for dialogueis feedback real?, between television and viewers.