Análisis comparativo de las tesis doctorales y memorias de licenciatura (tesinas) defendidas en el Área de Sanidad Animal de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
- Patrocinio Morrondo Pelayo
- Rosario Panadero Fontán
- Adolfo Paz Silva
- Ceferino López Sández
- Gonzalo Fernández Rodríguez
- Pablo Díaz Fernández
- Pablo Díez Baños
- María Teresa Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
- Tamara Ramiro Sánchez (coord.)
- María Paz Bermúdez Sánchez (coord.)
Editorial: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual AEPC
ISBN: 978-84-697-0237-6
Ano de publicación: 2014
Páxinas: 217-220
Congreso: Foro sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación (10. 2013. Granada)
Tipo: Achega congreso
This study was aimed to know the possible impact that the completion of a Degree dissertation (DD) may have on the subsequent completion of the doctoral thesis (DT), in the Animal Health Area (AHA). Most graduates (81.2%) who made the DD were enrolled in the different programs of doctorate (PD) taught at USC since 1992. A high percentage of students got both the Bachelor's (44.1%) as the Doctor (39.7%) degrees. Doctorate students who had previously performed the DD took less time ( x = 4.3 years) to defend the DT than those who performed directly the DT ( x = 5.3 years). In addition, it was found that those engaged full time, enjoying a research grant or contract, needed less time to complete his PhD ( x = 3.7 years) than those who did it part-time ( x = 6.5 years).From these results it can be concluded that the performance of the DD put the graduates in a position to make the DT in less time, most likely because students are advancing the acquisition of skills and abilities necessary to perform the DT.