Determination of the pionium lifetime in the DIRAC experiment at CERN
- Bernardo Adeva Andany Co-director
- Antonio Romero Vidal Co-director
- Máximo Pló Casasús Co-director
Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Fecha de defensa: 26 de abril de 2012
- Armando Lanaro Presidente/a
- Juan Jose Saborido Silva Secretario
- Oton Vázquez Doce Vogal
- Joan Soto Riera Vogal
- Cibrán Santamarina Ríos Vogal
Tipo: Tese
This work presents the latest and most accurate measurement of the pionium lifetime accomplished by the DIRAC experiment at CERN. The pionium breakup probability in a Nickel targe was measured and the pionium lifetime was extracted after precise simulation of the atom interactions with matter, leading to the result tau = (3,15 + 0,20 - 0,19) femtoseconds. Much previous activity has been devoted to the determination of the pionium lifetime in DIRAC, but the present work has accomplished a new selection method using the upstream position detectors yielding an enhanced data sample, and a refined simulation of the detector and trigger response. As a consequence of the latter, a most complete and meticulous description of the systematic errors involved in the lifetime measurement has been provided. The result has been a reduction of the systematic uncertainties with respect to our previous publication.