RTVEla optimización de recursos como eje para la producción de programas educativos de calidad

Dirixida por:
  1. Hipólito Vivar Zurita Director
  2. Natalia Abuín Vences Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 de abril de 2017

  1. Enrique Bustamante Ramírez Presidente/a
  2. Norberto Mínguez Arranz Secretario/a
  3. Manuel Armenteros Gallardo Vogal
  4. Ricardo Vaca Berdayés Vogal
  5. Xosé Soengas Pérez Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The aim of this research is to improve the quality of the public service provided by RTVE by the optimized production models for educational television programmes, which enhance the pedagogical possibilities existing for different educational levels and the options for educational content production. The methodology used in the study is based on an extensive bibliographic review, an analysis of TVE programming and numerous interviews with television and education experts. The state of RTVE in the audiovisual sector has been analyzed from a legislative, organizational and economic perspective. The results of the study on RTVE financial model, its resources, the quality of its educational programmes and the variety of programmes production have permitted the proposal of models for the optimization of quality programmes production. These models have been developed taking into account a series of constraints framed in a production process aimed at the optimization of resources based on efficient planning and strict financial control. Content customization has been explored as a common denominator of the current audiovisual scene. The use of online audiovisual content with educational purposes proves that interactivity improves the educational and learning system: increases the amount of material learned and the quality of learning. Therefore, an optimized model for the production of a catalogue of educational content has been developed by an exploitation of the RTVE‟s Fondo Documental, the largest audiovisual archive in Spanish in the world, essential in the interactive digital environment...