Publikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Universidade da Coruña (15)


  1. Operationalizing the use of TLS in forest inventories: The R package FORTLS

    Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 150


  1. Integrated valorization of Sargassum muticum in biorefineries

    Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 404


  1. Poisson mixed models for predicting number of fires

    International Journal of Wildland Fire, Vol. 28, Núm. 3, pp. 237-253


  1. Estudio de los incendios forestales en Galicia mediante un modelo mixto de poisson espacio-temporal

    Actas XIII Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións: Ferrol, do 26 ao 28 de outubro de 2017

  2. Optimised forage harvester routes as solutions to a traveling salesman problem with clusters and time windows

    Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 164, pp. 110-123


  1. Burned area prediction with semiparametric models

    International Journal of Wildland Fire, Vol. 25, Núm. 6, pp. 669-678


  1. A decision tool for maize silage harvest operations

    Biosystems Engineering, Vol. 134, pp. 94-104

  2. Prediction of forest fires occurrences with area-level Poisson mixed models

    Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 154, pp. 151-158

  3. Spatial decision support system for the route management for milk collection from dairy farms

    Transportation Letters, Vol. 7, Núm. 5, pp. 279-288


  1. Procesos puntuales espaciales aplicados al estudio de los incendios forestales en Galicia

    Actas do IX Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións: Ourense, 12-13-14 novembro de 2009