Departamento de Patoloxía Animal
Universidad de Salamanca
Salamanca, EspañaPublikationen in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern von Universidad de Salamanca (3)
Determinants of the current and future distribution of the West Nile virus mosquito vector Culex pipiens in Spain
Environmental Research, Vol. 188
The addition of a new immunomodulator with the adjuvant adaptation ADAD system using fatty acid binding proteins increases the protection against Fasciola hepatica
Veterinary Parasitology, Vol. 153, Núm. 1-2, pp. 176-181
Progress in the development of Fasciola hepatica vaccine using recombinant fatty acid binding protein with the adjuvant adaptation system ADAD
Veterinary Parasitology, Vol. 145, Núm. 3-4, pp. 287-296