Profesora titular de universidad
Publicaciones (48) Publicaciones de MARIA PALOMA NUÑEZ PERTEJO
Novas prácticas lingüísticas dos falantes urbanos mozos de Londres e Madrid: un estudo contrastivo baseado en corpus
Estudos de lingüística galega, Núm. 16
Practically impossible: The development of an English approximator
Studia Neophilologica, Vol. 95, Núm. 1, pp. 63-81
The role of age in the Twitter discourse of British rappers and singers
Investigating Discourse and Texts: Corpus-Assisted Analytical Perspectives (Peter Lang), pp. 251-286
Teenagers and social networking. Twitter as a data source for the study of the language of London teenagers and young adults
Global Perspectives on Youth Language Practices (De Gruyter), pp. 85-104
The expression of (im)politeness in the language of teenagers: the courtesy marker please, taboo vocatives and swear words as three cases in point
45th AEDEAN Conference: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad de Extremadura, november 16,18 2022 Cáceres
Crossing linguistic boundaries: systemic, synchronic and diachronic variation in english
Bloomsbury Academic
Crossing linguistic boundaries: systemic, synchronic and diachronic variation in english (Bloomsbury Academic), pp. 1-11
Time and history: A preliminary approach to binomials in late Modern English Astronomy and History texts
Writing History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus (John Benjamins), pp. 103-127
Técnicas de escritura da lingua inglesa: cartas
Servicio de Publicaciones = Servizo de Publicacións
Técnicas de escritura da lingua inglesa: ensaios discursivos
Servicio de Publicaciones = Servizo de Publicacións
A Contrastive Study of Placeholders in the Speech of British and Spanish Teenagers
Jugendsprachen/Youth Languages, pp. 391-418
Intensifiers in MLE: New trends and developments
NJES Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17, Núm. 2, pp. 116-155
Terrific-looking creatures and terrific, funny guys: On the historical development of English terrific
Miscelánea: A journal of english and american studies, Núm. 55, pp. 65-85
The Corpus of Historical English Law Reports 1535–1999 (CHELAR): A resource for analysing the development of English legal discourse
ICAME Journal, Vol. 41, Núm. 1, pp. 53-82
Corpus linguistics on the move: Exploring and understanding English through corpora
Brill, pp. 1-367
From the fringe to the mainstream: English corpus linguistics moving ahead
Corpus Linguistics on the Move: Exploring and Understanding English through Corpora (Brill), pp. 1-18
“Go up to Miss thingy”. “He’s probably like a Whatsit or something”. Placeholders in focus. The differences in use between teenagers and adults in spoken English
Pragmatics, Vol. 25, Núm. 3, pp. 425-451
Strategies used by English and Spanish teenagers to intensify language A contrastive corpus-based study
Spanish in Context, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 175-201
That's absolutely crap, totally rubbish: The use of the intensifiers absolutely and totally in the spoken language of British adults and teenagers
Functions of Language, Vol. 21, Núm. 2, pp. 210-237
From Degree Adverb to Response Token: "Absolutely" in Late Modern and Contemporary British and American English
Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, Vol. 114, Núm. 2, pp. 207-235