On-Surface Stepwise Double Dehydrogenation for the Formation of a para-Quinodimethane-Containing Undecacene Isomer

  1. Sarkar, S.
  2. Álvarez, B.
  3. Ho Au-Yeung, K.
  4. Cobas, A.
  5. Robles, R.
  6. Lorente, N.
  7. Peña, D.
  8. Pérez, D.
  9. Moresco, F.
Chemistry - A European Journal

ISSN: 1521-3765 0947-6539

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 30

Issue: 55

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/CHEM.202402297 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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