Manganese diagenesis in different geochemical environments of the ria de Vigo (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula)

  1. Otero, X.L.
  2. Ramírez-Pérez, A.M.
  3. Abernathy, M.
  4. Ying, S.C.
  5. Queiroz, H.M.
  6. Ferreira, T.O.
  7. Huerta-Díaz, M.A.
  8. de Blas, E.
Marine Geology

ISSN: 0025-3227

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 470

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.MARGEO.2024.107250 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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