Protocolo de valoración del riesgo en un adolescente en libertad vigilada
- Aarón Argudo
- Lorena Maneiro
- Xose Antón Gómez-Fraguela
ISSN: 2695-2882
Datum der Publikation: 2021
Ausgabe: 4
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: REC: Revista Electrónica de Criminología
The evaluation tools with offenders have been evolving until now, which we can speak of structured clinical judgment, that is, when a professional uses a standardized protocol to evaluate, design and plan therapy. In this case study, the Risk Assessment Protocol for Teenage Offenders (VRAI) is used to check whether it allows the tool to be systematized as part of the approach with a minor with a judicial measure. The results indicate that, from the use of the VRAI, necessary variables are obtained that allow identifying behavioral correlates that maintain the problem behavior, as well as guiding the individualized case plan of the minor. From this work it is extracted that this protocol serves as a guide so that the professionals who intervene in this sector can improve the development of their activity.
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