Conditional Reasoning: Scenario or Context Effects?
- Valiña García, María Dolores 1
- Ferraces Otero, María José 1
- Seoane Pesqueira, Gloria 1
- Fernández-Rey, José 1
- Ghering Delgado, Sonia 1
- 1 University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology
Year of publication: 1992
Congress: Fifth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, celebrated in Paris, Societé Francaise de Psychologie-Université de Paris-SUD (September, 12-16, 1992)
Type: Conference paper
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This Paper was presented at the Fifth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, celebrated in Paris, Societé Francaise de Psychologie-Université de Paris-SUD (September, 12-16, 1992).