ENCIGAmáis de tres décadas contribuíndo á educación STEAM

  1. Mª Inés García Seijo
  2. Paloma Blanco Anaya
  3. Fernández Fernández, Beatriz
  4. Iria Fernández Fontenla
Revista galega de educación

ISSN: 1132-8932

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Crear para aprender: STEAM

Issue: 80

Pages: 27-29

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista galega de educación


The Association of Science Teachers of Galicia (ENCIGA) was born more than thirty years ago with the aim of improving the quality of teaching in mathematical-scientific-technological areas at non-university educational levels. In this article, we make a review of the activity developed by the society to give support to STEAM teaching, as well as to make the role of women in these areas more visible.