La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en las radio-televisiones públicas de Europa
ISSN: 0719-3661
Datum der Publikation: 2013
Nummer: 33
Seiten: 145-157
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos.Info
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary commitment to responsible and measurable behavior of an enterprise beyond the provisions of the laws to meet the expectations of the stakeholders with which it interacts. This management model was created to solve the problems of reputation and credibility of private companies, although recently it was assumed by public owned organizations. The concept spread quickly, but there is still no international consensus on the standardization of its practice and recognition, no state regulations governing it. At the European Union, the state public owned broadcasting corporations in Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom reported for at least two years of CSR actions, even without following international or state regulations. This trend is poised to consolidate itself as six other corporations have taken the first steps to implement this philosophy.