La intercomprensió d'interrogatives absolutes amb tonemes descendents del català, de l'espanyol de les Canàries i del gallec
- Fernández Rei, Elisa
- Martínez Celdrán, Eugenio
- Dorta Luis, Josefa
- Fernàndez Planas, Anna Maria
ISSN: 0211-8572
Ano de publicación: 2006
Número: 28
Páxinas: 7-28
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Estudis romànics
This paper presents a study of interrogative sentences in the Catalan of Barcelona, the Spanish of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, and the Galician spoken in Santiago de Compostela. After a brief acoustic description of the melody used in each language variety, the results of perception tests carried out with subjects from the three areas of study on the sentences in the corpus (each containing three pitch accents) are given, the sentences first having been synthesized and stripped of their lexical content. The results show that, although each group of subjects recognize more easily and consider more �normal� the sentences from their own linguistic variety, mutual intelligibilty among speakers of the Romance varieties studied is good.