Strategies for sewage treatment in rural areas

  1. Muiño, D.
  2. Cancela Barrio, Javier José
  3. Marey Pérez, Manuel
  4. Neira Seijo, Xan Xosé
  5. Cuesta García, Tomás Serafín
Selected Proceedings from the 12th International Congress on Project Engineering: Saragossa, July 2008

Editorial: Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO)

ISBN: 978-84-613-3557-2

Ano de publicación: 2009

Páxinas: 37-46

Congreso: Asociación española de ingenieria de proyectos. AEIPRO (12. 2008. null)

Tipo: Achega congreso

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The application of the Water Framework Directive and the Directive 91/271/CEE conditions the objectives of the Plans of Wastewater management approved in different Autonomous Communities in Spain. In all the lines of performance the treatment of the towns with more than 2,000 e-i has been prioritized. It is foreseeable that in one second phase the smallest towns will study. In this case, the collective, individual or decentralized systems will be valued of wastewater management. This paper analyzes the present situation of the wastewater management in the rural scope of the province of Lugo by means of a survey in the 67 city councils. The high-priority lines of performance and the methodology for the selection of the suitable technology are defined from the collected data.